Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bay to bay

Tonight after work I left the San Francisco area to head to the Monterey area for an extended weekend. Last year my dad had reserved a unit at the timeshare. Actually it was a reschedule. He and my stepmother were supposed to be going to Cabo San Lucas last September. Then her health issues came up. At the time, my dad was still hoping that she'd recover and so he just rescheduled for this year -- in the Monterey area instead. After my stepmother's death, he decided that he didn't want to use the time anymore and so now it's basically mine. I didn't have enough vacation time to come for the whole week that was booked so I figured I'd make it an extended weekend. And now I'm thinking about next year. Leaning toward New Orleans.

I tried to take a photo for y'all right after I checked in but the sun was much too low in the sky at that point. That's OK. I'll take more photos for y'all tomorrow during the day so that you can get a clearer view.

The problem was that I was on the beach. If the moon was full and it had been later in the evening, then maybe I would have been able to take a successful photo.
The beach is a one to two minute walk from where I'm staying. And all you want to do is walk along this particular beach. Because this is my Pacific after all.

Update: Apparently at least one of last night's photos sort of came out. But my post from this morning will still give you a much better idea.


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